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Drogenpolitik in Portugal
Der Drogenkonsum
und -besitz ist in Portugal seit Juli 2001 keine Straftat mehr. Kleinere Mengen
zum persönlichen Gebrauch zu besitzen ist zwar verboten, wird aber nur
noch als Ordnungswidrigkeit geahndet. Die Strafen für mittlere Mengen reduzieren
sich meist auf Bußgelder und Sozialarbeit. Einheimischen droht der Entzug
des Führerscheins.
Portugal assesses its softer approach to drug users
[Christian Science Monitor, 08.08.2002]
Decriminalization of Drug Use in Portugal:
The Development of a Policy
In Portugal, the new law in force from July 2001 decriminalises use and possession of all drugs. From now on, anyone caught in possession of a quantity of drugs for personal use, not exceeding 10 daily doses, provided that the police have no further suspicion or evidence that more serious offences (sale, traffic) are involved, will be brought before a local Commission. The Commission will evaluate the individual's situation with the aim of treating possible addiction and providing recourse to rehabilitation services. Sanctioning, even if possible, is not the main objective in this phase.
Application of penalties
- Possession for personal use: treatment or counselling or fine.
- Possession with intent to supply to others:
- lists I and III: imprisonment for up to three years or a fine;
- list IV: imprisonment for up to one year or a fine.
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