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Antworten auf den Artikel von Prof. Henry und Dr. Oldfield (British Medical Journal)
Prof. John Henry (Imperial College, London) und Dr. William Oldfield (St. Mary's Hospital, London) veröffentlichten im April 2003 einen Artikel im British Mediacl Journal, der spekulativ die Gesundheitsrisiken von Tabak auf Cannabis übertrug:
Comparing cannabis with tobacco
John A Henry, William L G Oldfield, and Onn Min Kon
BMJ 2003; 326: 942-943
Rapid responses published:
- [Read Rapid response]
A valid point but several speculative claims
- Andrew Parfitt, SG 15
(2 May 2003)
- [Read Rapid response]
Comparing cannabis with tobacco: the arithmetic does not add up
- Leslie L Iversen
(3 May 2003)
- [Read Rapid response]
Cannabis and Lung Health
- Mitchell S. Earleywine, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA 90089-1061
(3 May 2003)
- [Read Rapid response]
Editorial Bias
- Thomas J O'Connell MD, none
(4 May 2003)
- [Read Rapid response]
Can cannabis and tobacco be compared? Apples and oranges!
- Andrew Byrne
(5 May 2003)
- [Read Rapid response]
Evidence based responses to cannabis
- Alex D Wodak
(5 May 2003)
- [Read Rapid response]
- James H. Allen.
(5 May 2003)
- [Read Rapid response]
Cannabis: A 'lesser evil' for lung cancer risk?
- Zubair Kabir
(5 May 2003)
- [Read Rapid response]
Effects of Cannabis on Educational Performance
- Mary D. Brett
(6 May 2003)
- [Read Rapid response]
- Roy Robertson
(7 May 2003)
- [Read Rapid response]
Cannabis in the real world
- C. Heather Ashton
(7 May 2003)
- [Read Rapid response]
Biased, scaremongering
- Mark Pawelek
(7 May 2003)
- [Read Rapid response]
Comparing cannabis with tobacco
- Gary D Williams
(7 May 2003)
- [Read Rapid response]
Reefer madness revisited - why?
- Rod MacQueen
(7 May 2003)
- [Read Rapid response]
Competing Interests
- Bernie K Masters
(10 May 2003)
- [Read Rapid response]
Competing Interests and Stereotypes about Cannabis
- Mitch Earleywine, Los Angeles, CA USA 90089-1061
(11 May 2003)
- [Read Rapid response]
Numerous misunderstandings in this editorial
- Clive D Bates
(12 May 2003)
- [Read Rapid response]
A Science Based Evaluation of Cannabis and Cancer
- Robert Melamede
(23 May 2003)
A valid point but several speculative claims |
2 May 2003 |
Andrew Parfitt, Consultant A and E Lister Hospital Stevenage, SG 15
Send response to journal:
Re: A valid point but several speculative claims
Email Andrew Parfitt, et al.:
I read with interest the editorial by Henry et al. I should like to
address the fact that cannabis use is as they say associated with an
increased incidence of mental illness however the casual relationship
remains to be proven and to follow on in the same sentence to state 'to
examine its potential to 'cause' other illnesses is imprecise and may be
read that we have excepted the evidence that cannabis does indeed cause
mental illness. No such casual evidence exists.
The paper by BAchs et al relating to acute cardiovascular fatalities
following cannabis use is far again from conclusiveand the authours
themselves were cautious to stress the , and I quote , possible nature of
the association. Again the text of the Henry paper reads 'attributed'
clearly there is a difference again between cause and association.
In addition one must remember that many users of cannaboids are
staunch antismokers and instead prefer to cook so called 'hash cakes'I
wonder how many of the schoolchildren who admitted taking cannabis had
done this in preference to smoking. Indeed if users are eating rather
than smoking then the putative causal relationship is many times less
Competing interests:
None declared |
Comparing cannabis with tobacco: the arithmetic does not add up |
3 May 2003 |
Leslie L Iversen, Visiting Professor of Pharmacology Dept Pharmacology, Univ of Oxford, OX1 3QT
Send response to journal:
Re: Comparing cannabis with tobacco: the arithmetic does not add up
Email Leslie L Iversen:
A recent editorial suggested that in the future as many as 30,000
deaths a year in Britain may be caused by smoking cannabis(1). But this
conclusion was not based on any new scientific evidence and the arithmetic
appears to be based on a series of questionable assumptions.
Cannabis smoke does contain many of the same poisonous substances
that are found in tobacco smoke and cannabis smokers deposit more tar in
their lungs than cigarette smokers because they inhale more deeply and
tend to hold their breath(2). But to expose the lungs to the same amount
of tar as an average 15 - 20 a day cigarette smoker, cannabis users would
have to smoke 4-5 times a day every day of the week. In fact surveys of
young cannabis users in Britain suggest that very few fall into this
category ¨C a large majority are occasional ¡°weekend¡± users, and even
among more frequent users few fall into the high use category of 4-5 times
a day(3). It is obviously impossible to get accurate statistics on the
numbers of daily cannabis users, but the figure of 3.2 million in Britain
cited by the authors of the editorial is far too high. It is also
difficult to get accurate scientific data on the effects of regular
cannabis use on the lungs because many users mix cannabis resin with
tobacco. But studies of cannabis-only smokers in California showed that
they do tend to develop signs of chronic bronchitis ¨C but there is no
evidence that this progresses to more severe lung diseases such as
emphysema or lung cancer(4).
An important factor is that unlike cigarette smokers most cannabis
smokers tend to quit when they reach their 30¡¯s. Long term surveys of
cigarette smokers showed that those who quit before the age of 35 had only
a very slightly increased risk of lung cancer(5). The risk of developing
lung cancer depends far more on the duration of smoking than on the number
of cigarettes consumed. Thus smoking 40 cigarettes a day as opposed to 20
doubles the risk of lung cancer, but smoking for 30 years as opposed to 15
years increases the risk by 20-fold. If the risks of cannabis smoking
equate to those of tobacco and the majority of users give up before the
age of 35 they may run little additional medical risk.
The BMJ authors also suggested that the more potent forms of cannabis
that are sometimes available nowadays somehow carry an increased medical
risk ¨C but one could argue exactly the opposite. THC, the active
chemical ingredient in herbal cannabis, is not known to be harmful to the
lungs ¨C indeed there is some scientific evidence that it may possess anti
-cancer properties(6). It is also known that users when exposed to more
potent forms of cannabis adjust their smoking behaviour to inhale less
frequently and less deeply, while obtaining the same amount of THC (2,7).
The users of potent forms of herbal cannabis may thus benefit from a
reduced exposure to potentially harmful tar.
Finally, the BMJ authors added some gratuitous additional warnings
about the dangerous effects of cannabis on the heart. It is true that
cannabis tends to stimulate the heart and it could potentially be harmful
to people who have a pre-existing heart disease, but the published
scientific data has not shown this to be a serious medical problem. The
two publications cited are based on very small samples and circumstantial
data. In Britain virtually no cases of drug-related death due to cannabis
have been reported in recent years ¨C despite our strict national system
for reporting substance abuse-related deaths.
While cannabis cannot be considered to be completely harmless and it
does cause adverse effects on the lungs ¨C the sort of scientific/medical
scaremongering indulged in by the authors of this editorial is completely
unscientific and fails to advance the public health debate about cannabis.
Their arithmetic simply does not add up. Instead they help to bring
science into further disrepute, and make it less likely that young people
will listen seriously to any health message concerned with drugs.
Professor Les Iversen PhD FRS
Department of Pharmacology
University of Oxford
1. Henry JA, Oldfield WLG, Min Kon O. Comparing cannabis with tobacco. BMJ
2003; 326: 942-943
2. Wu TC, Tashkin DP, Rose JE, Djahed B. Influence of marijuana potency
and amount of cigarette consumed on marijuana smoking pattern.
J.Psychoactive Drugs 1988; 20: 43-46
3. Iversen LL ¡°The Science of Marijuana¡± 2000, pp215-220; Oxford
University Press, New York
4. Tashkin DP, Baldwin GC, Sarafian T, Dubinett S, Roth MD. Respiratory
and immunological consequences of marijuana smoking. J Clin Pharmacol
2002; 42 Suppl 11:71-81S
5. Doll RR, Peto K, Wheatley K, Gray R, Stherland I. Mortality in relation
to smoking: 40 years¡¯ observations on male British doctors. BMJ 1994;
309: 901-910
6. Guzm¨¢n N, S¨¢nchez C,Galve-Roperh I. J.Mol.Med.2001; 78: 613-625
7. Matthias P, Tashkin DP, Marques-Magallanes JA, Wilkins JN, Simmons S.
Effects of varying marijuana potency on deposition of tar and ¦¤9-THCin
the lung during smoking. Pharmacol.Biochem.Behav. 1997; 58: 1145-50
Competing interests:
None declared |
Cannabis and Lung Health |
3 May 2003 |
Mitchell S. Earleywine, Associate Professor Department of Psychology, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA 90089-1061
Send response to journal:
Re: Cannabis and Lung Health
Email Mitchell S. Earleywine, et al.:
Henry, Oldfield, and Kon sounded the alarm about potential lung
problems in cannabis smokers. 1 As these authors mention despite their
concerns, large studies still show little lung damage in those who smoke
cannabis and not tobacco2. Nevertheless, new information may allay the
fears of some readers worried about the plant’s pulmonary effects.
First, the reported increase in cannabis potency does not translate
into greater risk for pulmonary problems. Though many authors argue that
estimates from the 1970s of .5% THC are clearly inaccurate, most believe
current data suggesting that THC concentrations average near 5% and can
reach as high as 20%. The stronger cannabis, however, yields less tar per
unit of THC than weaker cannabis, and leads to less deposition of tar into
the lungs of smokers 3.
Because problem users are often reluctant to abstain from cannabis
completely, health care professionals might suggest ways to increase the
safety of the drug. The common habit of holding smoke in the lungs for
extended periods provides greater exposure to noxious materials. This
practice should be actively discouraged. At least 3 studies show that
longer breathhold durations have little meaningful impact on intoxication
In addition, vaporizing cannabis rather than smoking it can create
the same subjective effects with no exposure to many toxins.5 Vaporizers
have become readily available and relatively inexpensive. These machines
have the potential to eliminate pulmonary problems associated with
cannabis use. Smoking small amounts of potent cannabis through a vaporizer
and refraining from holding smoke in the lungs presents little risk of
lung troubles.
Mitchell Earleywine, associate professor of clinical science
Department of Psychology, University of Southern California, Los Angeles,
CA, USA 90089-1061 earleyw@usc.edu
1. Henry, J. A., Oldfield, W. L. G., Kon, O. M. Comparing cannabis
with tobacco, BMJ 2003; 326:942-943.
2. Polen, M. R. Health care use by frequent marijuana smokers who do
not smoke tobacco. West J Med 1993; 158: 596-601.
3. Matthias, P., Tashkin, D. P., Marques-Magallanes, J.A., Wilkins,
J. N. & Simmons, M.S. Effects of varying marijuana potency on
deposition of tar and delta9-THC in the lung during smoking. Pharmacol
Biochem Behav 1993; 58: 1145-1150.
4. Azorlosa, J. L., Greenwald, M. K., Stitzer, M. L. Marijuana
smoking: effects of varying puff volume and breathhold duration. J
Pharmacol Exp Ther 1995; 272: 560-569.
5. McPartland, J.M., Pruitt, P.,L. Medical marijuana and its use by
the immuno-compromised. Altern Ther Health Med 1997; 3:39-45.
Competing interests:
None declared |
Editorial Bias |
4 May 2003 |
Thomas J O'Connell MD, none Northern California 94401, none
Send response to journal:
Re: Editorial Bias
Email Thomas J O'Connell MD, et al.:
The brief editorial, “Comparing Cannabis with Tobacco”
by Henry, Oldfield and Kon (British Medical Journal, May
3) is so full of gross inaccuracies, unsupported
assumptions and unjustified speculation that, were it
not for the fact that it decries chronic use of cannabis,
it’s unlikely a reputable journal would publish it.
For starters, there is considerable evidence that
cannabis provides significant relief of a wide variety of
troublesome symptoms; given fierce US prohibition
policy (as reflected in United Nations treaties), data
supporting that contention has been understandably
difficult to gather and publish. Beyond that, the editorial
clearly infers that the only way cannabs is used is by
smoking in the manner the authors describe at some
length. Actually, that manner of smoking, while still too
popular, was fokelore based on erroneous
assumptions; it has been repudiated in responsible
articles for years.
There are actually many ways cannabis can be
ingested other than smoking; perhaps the best is
vaporization, a technique endorsed by knowledgeable
clinicians because it preserves the rapid cerebral
feedback that allows a user to avoid unwanted
intoxication and also largely eliminates the harms of
This brief response permits only passing reference to
work I am now engaged in-- thanks to the passage of a
medical cannabis initiative in California (Proposition
215). That law, passed in 1996, has effectively allowed
certain chronic users to ‘come in from the cold ‘ as it
were. Systematic interviews of several hundred reveal
them to be a very specific population which is
surprisingly uniform in the way they became chronic
users, their lifetime use of other psychotropic agents
(including alcohol and tobacco), and also in their belief
that sustained moderate use of cannabis has afforded
them considerable benefit over years and-- in many
cases-- decades
Seen in that context, the editorial is a throwback to
“Reefer Madness,” the mid-Thirties American
propaganda campaign which eventually led to creation
of a huge criminal market for one the most versatile
and useful plants ever cultivated. It’s unlikely that the
editorial will deter that market significantly, but it
certainly contributes to the confusion precluding
adoption of an intelligent drug policy; one based on
factual evidence rather than empty dogma.
1) D. Gieringer, "Cannabis
Vaporization: A Promising Strategy for Smoke Harm
Reduction," Journal
of Cannabis Therapeutics Vol. 1#3-4: 153-70 (2001)
Competing interests:
Member of several
advocating drug policy
reform. |
Can cannabis and tobacco be compared? Apples and oranges! |
5 May 2003 |
Andrew Byrne, Dependency Physician 75 Redfern St, Redfern, NSW, 2016, Australia
Send response to journal:
Re: Can cannabis and tobacco be compared? Apples and oranges!
Email Andrew Byrne:
'Comparing cannabis with tobacco'. Henry JA, Oldfield
WLG, Kon OM. BMJ (2003) 326: 942-943
I would commend these authors on using the correct
scientific term cannabis, unlike some colleagues who seem
to prefer terms allegedly introduced by governments
rather than scientists.
That said, this is one of the most un-scientific BMJ
articles I have read. Despite their being opposites in most
respects, Henry and co-authors try to compare cannabis
and tobacco. While both are common psychoactive
drugs, cannabis is a relaxant, tobacco a partial-stimulant.
One is highly addicting, the other is not. One has been
prescribed by physicians down the ages and continues to
be recommended in certain clinical circumstances by
doctors of good repute. Hence a 'comparison' is an
intriguing concept unless clearly stated objectives are
being examined (eg. dependency, mortality, side effects,
beneficial effects, etc). .
Cannabis has an extremely low mortality while tobacco's
toll is legion. Nearly 20,000 Australians die from tobacco
related disease each year with few if any cannabis
reported deaths.
When examining any drug, one looks for costs and
benefits but these authors have only looked for 'costs' and,
for cannabis, then they can only point to 'associations'.
Even if cannabis actually caused some cases of mental
disease (and it does induce dependency in a small
proportion of heavy users), the drug may also alleviate
some conditions such as anxiety, insomnia, depression,
anorexia or chronic pains.
These authors state that it might be seen as
'scaremongering' to speculate on the basis of cannabis
being of equal toxicity as tobacco ... yet they go ahead
and do just that: "the corresponding figure for deaths
among 3.2 million cannabis smokers would be 30,000"
[annually in the UK]. Can these authors be serious when
no group of suspected cases is yet to be reported after the
drug has been used for thousands of years in western
society? If they are interested in speculation, why don't
they look at alcohol consumption in cannabis smokers?
Quite apart from their tenuous position in trying to point
to cardiovascular complications which may occur with
smoking cannabis, they make numerous questionable and
unreferenced statements in their paper including the
howler about cannabis strength increasing over the years
(by 10 to 20 times!). Even if this were true, it would
mean less by-products for the same amount of drug and
thus possibly safer smoking. Also, cannabis can be taken
orally with no effect on the lungs at all, but these authors
do not canvass that issue, nor other harm reduction steps.
Without references, they also quote "Nederweed" ('the
variety smoked in the Netherlands') which they claim has
an *average* of 10-11% tetrahydrocannabinol. This is
obviously unhelpful since Holland, like other countries,
has a variety of cannabis and resins available on the
market, including cannabis cookies.
These authors make much of the increase in cannabis use
and the reductions in tobacco consumption in recent
years. However, they are not open enough to discuss the
legal status of the drugs. If these authors are honestly
concerned about harms from cannabis then it is hard to
understand why they would ignore the spectacular failing
of current prohibitions in addressing these harms. The
results of long term cannabis decriminalization (eg. South
Australia, Holland) are equally ignored by these
'scaremongers' (to use their own term).
comments by Andrew Byrne ..
Competing interests:
None declared |
Evidence based responses to cannabis |
5 May 2003 |
Alex D Wodak, Director, Alcohol and Drug Service St. Vincent's Hospital, Victoria Street, Darlinghurst, NSW, 2010, Australia
Send response to journal:
Re: Evidence based responses to cannabis
Email Alex D Wodak:
Dear Sir,
Oldfield and Kon observe, quite correctly, that cannabis consumption
is rising while tobacco consumption is declining in the United Kingdom.
This is true in many other countries and has been the case now for several
decades. These developments are no accident. In numerous countries,
achieving a decline in tobacco consumption required a steadfast
committment to policy based on research evidence concerning which
prevention measures work and which do not. The critical public health
achievment of tobacco control has been won despite the immense power of
the tobacco industry. In contrast, vast resources have been allocated to
law enforcement efforts to reduce cannabis smoking with very little
benefit identifiable and much in the way of unintended adverse
consequences. Surely if there is a lesson to be learnt from this, it is
that those who are concerned to reduce the prevalence of cannabis smoking
should support the same measures that worked so well for tobacco. Tobacco
control has been achieved within the framework of a taxed and regulated
drug. There is virtually no support among tobacco control experts for the
re-introduction of tobacco prohibition. A sustained decline in cannabis
consumption will only be achievable when the drug is taxed and regulated
like tobacco and policy is based on evidence.
The retention of cannabis prohibition despite the lack of success and
the high financial and social cost of this policy, has required a 'talking
up' of the toxic effects of cannabis. Cannabis is not by any means
innocuous. But the health and other adverse consequences of cannabis are
dwarfed by those of alcohol and tobacco. This point was made by several
reputable authors in a recent WHO review that was dropped following
political pressure.
One of the many costs of cannabis prohibition is the publication in
reputable medical journals of highly questionable commentary on the
relattive toxicity of cannabis.
Yours sincerely,
Dr Alex Wodak,
Alcohol and Drug Service
St. Vincent's Hospital,
Darlinghurst, NSW 2010
Competing interests:
None declared |
5 May 2003 |
James H. Allen., Visiting Medical Officer Mt.Barker Hospital.Wellington rd.Mt.Barker.South Australia.5255.
Send response to journal:
Email James H. Allen.:
South Australia has had liberal cannabis laws for many
years[1].Within our area of the Adelaide Hills it has become apparent that
much of what might have previously been described as "psychogenic
vomiting" or Cyclical Vomiting syndrome is, in fact, a cannabis related
This disorder is characterised by:
{a}A history of several years of cannabis abuse prior to the onset of
hyperemesis in susceptible individuals.
{b}The hyperemesis will follow a cyclical pattern every few weeks or
months,often for many years, against a background of regular cannabis
{c}Cessation of cannabis leads to cessation of the hyperemesis in the
presence of a negative urine drug screen.
{d}Cannabis resumption will herald a return of the hyperemesis many
weeks or months later.
{e}The patient will compulsively bathe .i.e,will take multiple hot
showers or baths during the acute phase of the illness in an attempt to
quell the hyperemesis.
[1]South Australia:Controlled Substances Act.1984.
[2]Allen J.H. "Cannabinoid Hyperemesis or Marijuana Morning Sickness"
ClinMed.Netprints/200111000141. BMJ/Stanford University Highwire Press.
Competing interests:
None declared |
Cannabis: A 'lesser evil' for lung cancer risk? |
5 May 2003 |
Zubair Kabir, Research Fellow CResT Directorate, St. James's Hospital, Dublin 8.
Send response to journal:
Re: Cannabis: A 'lesser evil' for lung cancer risk?
Email Zubair Kabir:
Sir, I read with interest the editorial of Henry et al (1). Tobacco
smoking is the greatest evil in lung cancer risk across 90% of all lung
cancer cases. However, evidence suggested that cannabis use is not far
behind. Recent trends in lung cancer mortality in the United States showed
that there is an apparent ‘birth cohort’ effect in lung cancer risk after
1950 (2). The authors’ have speculated that this observation may be
attributed to cannabis smoking, in addition to changing tobacco-smoking
habits across the populations.
Interestingly, one of the cannabinoids (delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol)
has shown to have an apparent beneficial effect on lung adenocarcinoma in
animal models (3). By contrast, there is accumulating evidence of
histopathologic and molecular changes in lung tissue of smokers,
suggesting cannabis could increase lung cancer risk in humans (4). Is this
a paradoxical observation? In addition, cannabis smoke contains many of
the same carcinogens found in cigarettes, as pointed out by Henry et al
Until the cause-effect relation of cannabis on human health,
including lung cancer, is clear, is it ‘scientific’ or rather ‘premature’
to contemplate on cannabis cessation programmes in line with tobacco
smoking programmes?
1. Henry JA, Oldfield WLG, Kon OM. BMJ 2003: 326: 942-3.
2. Jemal A, Chu KC, Tarone RE. Recent trends in lung cancer mortality in
the United States. J Natl Cancer Inst 2001; 93: 277-83.
3. Munson AE, Harris LS, Friedman MA, Dewey WL, Carchman RA.
Antineoplastic activity of cannabinoids. J Natl Cancer Inst 1975; 55: 597-
4. Barsky SH, Roth MD, Kleerup EC, Simmons M, Tashkin DP. Histopathologic
and molecular alternations in bronchial epithelium in habitual smokers of
marijuana, cocaine and/or tobacco. J Natl Cancer Inst 1998; 90: 1198-205.
Competing interests:
ZK is a Research Fellow in Lung Cancer Epidemiology at the University of Dublin (Trinity College). |
Effects of Cannabis on Educational Performance |
6 May 2003 |
Mary D. Brett, Head Of Health Education Dr Challoner's Grammar School HP6 5HA
Send response to journal:
Re: Effects of Cannabis on Educational Performance
Email Mary D. Brett:
Apart from the damaging effects of cannabis on the lungs and mental
health addressed by Professor Henry et al in their editorial, I would like
to draw attention to the harmful consequences to young occasional, even
monthly, users.
Because of the long-term storage of the drug in the fatty cell
membranes of the brain, the chemical transmission system is impaired.
Concentration, learning and memory are all badly affected. The educational
performance of pupils deteriorates, their grades fall and many miss out on
their chosen university places.
Our vulnerable children need to be warned of the possibility of lost
educational opportunities and subsequent employment, this is not scare-
mongering, it is common sense.
1 Chait LD, Pierri J, Effects of Smoked Marijuana on Human
Performance: A Critical Review. Marijuana/Cannabinoids: Neurobiology and
Neurophysiology. Murphy L, Bartke A,(eds)387-423, Boca Raton, CRC Press
2 Schwartz RH et al, Short-term memory impairment in Cannabis-
dependent Adolescents Am. J. Dis. Child.143:1214-1219,1989.
3 Lynskey M, Hall W, The Effects of Adolescent Cannabis Use on
Educational Attainment: A Review. Addiction 95 1621-1630. 2000.
4 Solowij N, Cannabis and Cognitive Functioning, Cambridge University
Press, 1998.
5 Lundqvist TT, Cognitive Dysfunctions in Chronic Cannabis Users
Observed During Treatment - An Integrative Approach, Almqvist and Wiksell
International, Stockholm, 1995.
Competing interests:
None declared |
7 May 2003 |
Roy Robertson, GP principal Muirhouse Medical Group, 1 Muirhouse Avenue, Edinburgh, EH4 4PL
Send response to journal:
Email Roy Robertson:
Professor Henry and others quite rightly draw attention to the
damaging effects of cannabis and the potential problems likely to emerge
from its increasing use.(1) There are many aspects to this debate, not
least the inevitability of the progress to further use, although other
countries have shown this to peak in young people and to deteriorate
subsequently. It is also, like most addiction problems, complicated by
there being many different side effects, some more serious than others.
Like alcohol, cannabis is likely to cause acute physical and psychological
as well as long-term damage.
Research therefore is urgently required in all these areas. Our own
recent study showed, we think, importantly, the relationship between dose
and at least some complications.(2) It makes intuitive sense that, like
other drugs of intoxication, the harmful effects of cannabis are likely to
be dose-related. The public health message, therefore, becomes like that
of illegal drugs, not geared towards total abstinence so much as
minimising the damage and diverting habitual users from the most serious
complications. Cannabis used in small quantities, that is, less than 2 or
3 grammes per day, presents quite a different prospect from more heavy use
and truly recreational (intermittent, infrequent and non-dependent type
use) must present less of a poor prognosis than dependent type use.
Patients with dependent type use, similarly to opiate and alcohol use of
this sort, are more likely to be unemployed, maringalised and in the
poorer part of the population and it is frequently our experience that
self-medication with cannabis is a control mechanism for another wise
unrewarding lifestyle.
Rather than becoming absorbed with the mechanisms for control or the
morality of use of the drug, the Health Service requires an urgent
response to another healthcare imperative, that of providing services for
the acute effects and the chronic damage caused by another largely ignored
(by the Health Service) addictive drug.
Yours sincerely
Dr Roy Robertson
(1)Henry, J. A., Oldfield, W., L., G., Min Kon, O. Comparing cannabis with
tobacco. The British Medical Journal 2003; 326: 942.
(2)Robertson, J. R., Miller, P., Anderson, R. Cannabis Use in the
Community. The British Journal of General Practice 1996; 46: 671-674.
Competing interests:
None declared |
Cannabis in the real world |
7 May 2003 |
C. Heather Ashton, Emeritus Professor Dep't Psychiatry, Royal Victoria Infirmary, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 4LP, UK
Send response to journal:
Re: Cannabis in the real world
Email C. Heather Ashton:
I have contact (through North East Council for Addictions - NECA)
with cannabis users in the North East. The fact is that many young people
(including 1% of schoolchildren) do actually smoke at least 5 (up to 15)
spliffs daily and/or inhale from "buckets". Thus they obtain high
concentrations of cannabis smoke containing all the constituents of
tobacco smoke (except nicotine) including carbon monoxide, bronchial
irritants, and carcinogens. Smoking may start as young as 8 years and
more and more smokers are continuing for longer - into their 40s and 50s.
These kids do not use hash cakes or cookies as suggested by Leslie
Iverson. Figures for numbers involved not available, but NECA Counsellors
see such users daily. These young people also smoke tobacco and the
effects of cannabis and tobacco smoke on the lungs are additive.
Unlike tobacco (nicotine) cannabinoids also have adverse psychiatric
effects. A large amount of evidence shows that young and adolescent users
are especially vulnerable to these effects. Those starting to use
cannabis while in their early teens are more likely to suffer intellectual
and emotional impairment, escalate to weekly or daily use, to become
dependent, to progress to other illicit drugs, to become anxious,
depressed and suicidal and to be involved in deliquency and crime than
those starting later.
References: Fergusson DM, Horwood LJ, Swain-Campbell N. Cannabis
and psychosocial adjustment in adolescence and young adulthood.Addiction
2002; 97: 1123-35. Copeland J, Swift W, Rees V. Clinical profile of
participants in a brief intervention program for cannabis use disorders.
Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 2001; 20: 45-52. British Lung
Foundation. The impact of cannabis smoking on respiratory health. A
smoking gun? 2002. Rey JM, Sawyer MG, Raphael B, Patton GC, Lynskey M.
Mental health of teenagers who use cannabis. Results of an Australian
Survey. British Journal of Psychiatry 2002; 180: 216-21. Swift W, Hall
Wa, Copeland J. One year follow-up of cannabis dependence among long-term
users in Sydney, Australia. Drug and Alcohol Dependence 2000; 59: 309-18.
Swift W, Hall W, Teeson M. Cannabis use and dependence among Australian
adults: results from the national survey of mental health and wellbeing.
Addiction; 2001; 96: 737-48.
Competing interests:
None declared |
Biased, scaremongering |
7 May 2003 |
Mark Pawelek, I am not a doctor Currently home. DA17 6NL
Send response to journal:
Re: Biased, scaremongering
Email Mark Pawelek:
To the editorial board
Dear Sir,
I was surprised at some of the things said in the recent BMJ
editorial. "Can you compare cannabis with tobacco?"
In future, when someone editorialises on such a contentious issue,
could you please ask them to declare their political allegiance. In
particular do Dr Henry and Dr Oldfield support the current practice of
criminalising cannabis smokers? Should cannabis smokers be locked up in
prison? This is an issue they ignore but it is the major public policy
used to discourage cannabis use. In fact, the editorial states that "At
present, there is no battle against cannabis and no clear public health
message." Are they unaware that unauthorised possession of cannabis is a
criminal offence? Does a 'War on Drugs' not 'battle' against cannabis?
Cannabis and Tobacco can't be compared in this way.
In a ranking of addictivity of 6 drugs both Henningfield (NIDA) and
Benowitz (UCSF) ranked Nicotine as the most addictive and marijuana as the
least addictive (comparing Nicotine, Heroin, Cocaine, Alcohol, Caffeine
and Marijuana). [Hilts, P.J. The New York Times 2-Aug-94, C3]
The writer states that "there are indications that smoked cannabis
may cause similar effects to smoking tobacco, with many of them appearing
at a younger age"
But cannabis smokers
* smoke fat less than cigarette smokers (when indulging).
* do not generally smoke everyday
* generally stop smoking as they progress out of their teens as it is easy
to stop smoking cannabis because there is no physical addiction.
While tobacco smokers:
* generally smoke at least 20 a day (when indulging)
* do smoke everyday
* often smoke for life and find it difficult to stop smoking.
It is impossible for me to understand how the writers arrive at their
'comparison', given that one of them is a consultant, specialist registrar
at a Department of Respiratory Medicine.
I'm all in favour of improving research into the harmful effects of
smoking and of discouraging the smoking of anything but scaremongering
and/or criminalisation are not the way to do it.
Competing interests:
None declared |
Comparing cannabis with tobacco |
7 May 2003 |
Gary D Williams, Mycologist and Harm Reduction Advocate V2B 3L4
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Re: Comparing cannabis with tobacco
Email Gary D Williams:
Ms. Brett,
If concern for our children's future is indeed your primary motive,
should you not include the harm done to our children who must now somehow
try to succeed in life now with the ball and chain of a criminal record
with them.. "Them" is our children. The "outcast" status that a criminal
record bestows on our brothers, mothers and fathers, and of course our
children, and it's effect on their future needs no study to determine how
destructive it is on their lives. It is severe. And this is obvious. There
is no controversy here. It is common sense.
I snipped your references because you referenced nothing. You gave
an opinion.....your own opinion. You stated that cannabis "impairs" the
chemical transmission system. You also inserted the word "badly". Which
study used those value judgements?. Interfering with the bodies own
chemistry or natural functions is how drugs work. All drugs. Aspirin and
caffeine for example. This interference is not inherently a bad thing, as
you seem to be suggesting.
No, it's time that reality rather than blind hysteria is brought to
the subject of drugs. For example; have you ever been given a shot of
morphine in the hospital? Did you know that heroin is in fact nothing more
than morphine that has been slightly altered so as to pass the blood:brain
barrier more quickly, providing a faster onset of the morphine? . Yes...
morphine. The heroin, once past the blood brain barrier reverts back to
morphine and from that point on, the high is indistinguishable from
morphine because it is morphine.
My point is that the demonization of heroin has succeeded in turning a
useful drug into something that no one of their right mind would ever want
to do. Well unfortunately, millions of people, and perhaps you, although
convinced that heroin will kill them and is immediately addictive, etc,
have in fact, for all intents and purposes, already done it.
That is the power of misinformation Ms. Brett. Thousands of people in
jail for doing a substance that doctors are giving to patients, in the
hospitals, by the bathtubs full, daily.
If you want to help our children, please rethink your stance on
drugs. Driving the users of the seriously harmful drugs like the
stimulants, (methamphetamine and cocaine) into back-alleys only
exacerbates the problem. Drugs will not go away using laws. Countries that
summarily execute drug-dealers or users have not stopped it. Drugs,
whether you like it or not, are here to stay. All that can be done is to
reduce the damage done. Common sense.
Gary Williams
Competing interests:
None declared |
Reefer madness revisited - why? |
7 May 2003 |
Rod MacQueen, Clinical Director, A&OD, Mid Western Area Health Service; VMO, Lyndon Detox Unit Clinical Services Building, Bloomfield Hospital, Orange 2800 Australia
Send response to journal:
Re: Reefer madness revisited - why?
Email Rod MacQueen:
Editor, The editorial by Henry et al on cannabis is quite simply the
most unbalanced and inappropriate piece of writing on this subject I have
seen for some time. It puts together questionable assumptions, wooly
science and urban myths (such as the "potency" of modern cannabis) which
conflict with the vast majority of reputable current literature. One must
ask what the authors reasons were for this article - it could hardly have
been to educate the profession.
And, as Wodak notes, such scare tactics are not likely to do much good -
entrenching hardline prohibitionist policy will, based upon 50 years of
evidence (rather than rhetoric), only increase the damage from cannabis,
most of which stems from its prohibition, not the drug itself.
Ashton raises the issue of 8 year old smokers without, apparently, asking
how these kids come to have the drug, where their parents or teachers are,
and whether these kids may have problems apart from cannabis use which may
impact upon their health and wellbeing. Easier to blame the drug, perhaps
but that gets us.......where? More prohibition, more money spent on a
counterproductive war on drugs, and thus not on schools, welfare, equity,
justice. Even if cannabis where the cause of these kids problems, do the
current policies and practices prevent these problems (clearly, no) or
worsen them (probably, yes).
Canada, The Netherlands and many other jurisdictions have broken away from
the mesmerised trance that chanting pro-prohibition mantras induces in
many otherwise thoughtful people and institutions. Time for Britain, and
Australia, to do likewise.
Competing interests:
None declared |
Competing Interests |
10 May 2003 |
Bernie K Masters, Member of parliament Western Australia 6280
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Re: Competing Interests
Email Bernie K Masters:
Just as I willingly acknowledge that my anti-smoking passion is
driven by 17 years of addiction to tobacco which was overcome in 1983,
should not respondents declare whether they are or were cannabis users?
Competing interests:
Please see my response |
Competing Interests and Stereotypes about Cannabis |
11 May 2003 |
Mitch Earleywine, Associate Professor University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA USA 90089-1061
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Re: Competing Interests and Stereotypes about Cannabis
Email Mitch Earleywine, et al.:
Masters raises an interesting question: Should scientists involved in
the cannabis debate reveal if they have ever used the drug? He mentions
his own anti-smoking work and his recovery from nicotine addiction as a
parallel. The stigma associated with nicotine is not the same as that
associated with cannabis, which may weaken the analogy dramatically.
Readers often view those who break a nicotine habit with some admiration
for a job well done. They often view those who cannot break the habit as
unfortunate victims of the tobacco industry.
Cannabis users lack this luxury because of prejudice. Cannabis
remains illegal. American public service announcements suggest that
cannabis users might kill their siblings in traffic accidents, engage in
ill-advised sexual encounters, and support terrorism. Stereotypes about
cannabis users include notions that they will soon turn to hard drugs,
that they lack motivation, and that they might have cognitive impairments.
Despite extensive data to the contrary, these stereotypes persist. Why
believe the hard work and reasoned logic of someone with impaired
cognitive abilities?
Stereotypes about abstainers also exist. Readers may view them as
drug warriors. Some may see them as eager to publish Type I errors
suggesting cannabis-induced harm. Some accuse them of being quick to
exaggerate small effects in an effort to vilify the plant.
Many cannabis debates begin with data but soon degenerate into ad
hominem arguments about personal habits. We cannot resolve problems this
way. It’s easier to dismiss someone as a pothead or tea-totaller than it
is to listen to nuanced research. But we can do it. Good peer review and
extensive discussion of detailed presentations of data, especially in
forums like this one, will definitely help.
Let science prevail over stereotypes. The cannabis debate must be
judged on the merits of the arguments rather than the actions of the
Competing interests:
None declared |
Numerous misunderstandings in this editorial |
12 May 2003 |
Clive D Bates, Personal capacity London N16 5UF
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Re: Numerous misunderstandings in this editorial
Email Clive D Bates:
There are serious problems and misunderstandings with this editorial.
I would like to list several:
1. Most of the mortality risk associated with tobacco use arises from
sustained use over several decades, and the risks increase sharply as
lifetime exposure accumulates. The importance of lifetime exposure was
underlined in a major study of tobacco smokers in 2000 which found that:
"People who stop smoking, even well into middle age, avoid most of their
subsequent risk of lung cancer, and stopping before middle age avoids more
than 90% of the risk attributable to tobacco." [1]. A similar pattern
should be expected for CHD and COPD - the two other major tobacco-related
fatal diseases.
To the extent there is data on use of cannabis, it suggests that most
users (so far) quit using it in their 30s. In the OPCS Psychiatric
Morbidity Survey carried out in 1993, some 14% of adults aged 16-24 were
users, but the figure dropped to 2% among those aged 35-44, and was less
than 0.5% in people aged over 45. There may be cohort effects operating
here, and it is possible that today's young people will have longer
cannabis careers, but at present what this seems to indicate is that few
people have accumulated 20 or more years of continuous use.
The very high risks due to tobacco use ultimately arise from its
addictiveness, which causes many tobacco smokers to continue to smoke well
after they would choose to stop. Over 70% of current users say they would
like to stop, and over 80% regret ever starting: a sure indicator of
addiction sustaining long term and heavy use. As cannabis has very
different dependency characteristics (it is much less addictive) then its
pattern of use is different most users smoke less and quit earlier.
2. Completely incompatible characterisations of the user population
are used in the editorial. The figure of 13 million tobacco users is
determined by those answering ‘yes’ to the question 'do you smoke
nowadays'. In practice over 80% of these are daily users and the average
consumption is just over 15 cigarettes per day per smoker. Tobacco /
nicotine is an intensive drug-using syndrome for most of its users. In
contrast, the Home Office figure of 3.2 million users quoted for cannabis
is 'use in the last 12 months'. The figure for use in the last month (not
quoted in the editorial) is 2,062,000. The Home Office does not assess how
many use cannabis daily, but it will be very substantially less. Again
the reason is grounded in addictiveness - the lower dependency-forming
characteristics of cannabis allow for more occasional use than cigarette
smoking, which generally consolidates into a powerful addiction needing
constant attention by the user.
3. The point that THC concentrations have increased by a factor of
ten over the last twenty years is dubious as a point of fact, but more
importantly, it is completely misinterpreted. Put bluntly, a ten-fold
increase in THC concentration does not mean that modern users are ten
times as stoned as in the past. Users of both cannabis and nicotine
control their drug exposure by varying how much smoke they inhale and
retain. Higher concentrations of THC may therefore lead to LOWER smoke
inhalation for a given drug exposure. This is well understood for tobacco
(and the reason why 'light' cigarettes are such a fraud) but not well
studied for cannabis - however it is unlikely that users do not control
their intake or they would be ten times as stoned as they were 20 years
ago. Ironically, the concern raised in the editorial about different puff
volumes for cannabis (based on 1987 data, by the way) may actually have
been alleviated by the asserted increase in THC concentration in the drugs
now in use leading to lower smoke exposure as users control their dose by
taking fewer and lighter puffs.
4. The derivation of the figure of 30,000 deaths is so facile it
shouldn’t really have been written down. At this stage, there is only
limited evidence linking cannabis use to the big tobacco-related killers -
cancer, CHD and COPD. While these links should be expected, the magnitude
of the risk to the user (simply assumed to be equivalent to tobacco in the
derivation of the 30,000 figure) will depend on a variety of factors, in
particular the lifetime exposure and patterns of use - and these are very
different indeed. Very few of the 120,000 smoking-related deaths occur
in people under 40, yet hardly any of the users of cannabis are over 40 –
so who are the 30,000 dying? Given that the smoking careers differ so
much, and the usage patterns are so different, the estimate of 30,000
deaths is ridiculous. Qualifying the calculation by saying it may be ‘a
fraction’ of that adds nothing if we don’t know whether the fraction in
question is one half or one-thousandth. It does leave the media-sensitive
headline number in place and puts the figure into the public domain as the
only estimate. It is sure to be used by those with agendas other than
forming rational evidence-based insights into public health issues.
5. The case has not made that cannabis is a 'major public health
hazard' as asserted in the editorial. It is certainly not harmless and the
authors suggest several harmful effects. But there is a continuum between
'harmless' and 'major public health hazard' and simply showing there are
dangers is insufficient to place a phenomenon like cannabis on that
continuum. Most credible reviews to date have tended to suggest limited
public health impacts. For example, the Advisory Council on Misuse of
Drugs [2], concluded in March 2002 after a thorough review of the
evidence... "The high use of cannabis is not associated with major health
problems for the individual or society." There is always a need to
challenge such assessments, but any challenge has to be credible.
6. To say there is no battle against cannabis when it is a criminal
offence (even after reclassification) to use it, grow it or sell it is
absurd. I agree that more could be done to promote understanding of the
harm it causes and I hope the findings about the link between cannabis
schizophrenia, which appear to settle the question over the direction of
causation, are filtering through to users. However, one reason why health
promotion efforts sometimes fail is the lack of credibility of the
arguments presented to users. The casually fabricated mortality figure and
'war-on-drugs' rhetoric of the editorial are wholly counter-productive in
that regard. (Incidentally, the illegal status of cannabis is a barrier to
wider and better understanding of its risks because it denies
opportunities for mandatory labelling and inserts in the packaging.)
Finally, the finding that cannabis is not harmless is not new and
adds little to the important and highly-charged debate about its legal
status, which is really about societal management of personal risk and
relationship between the state and the individual. Understanding of
addictiveness and its impact on personal choice and patterns of
consumption are crucial in positioning different drugs, and entirely
absent from the analysis presented in the editorial. Sadly, editorials
like this play well in a particularly rabid section of the popular media,
which has no interest in a thoughtful societal response to all drugs based
on harm-reduction, respect for civil liberties and cost effectiveness.
Rather than fanning the flames of tabloid ignorance, the BMJ is usually a
beacon of rational and measured debate on these vital issues. I fear the
editorial guard may have been down on this one.
Clive Bates
I don't think it is a competing interest, but in the interest of
clarity I would like to disclose that I was Director of Action on Smoking
and Health (UK) until March 2003. I am writing in a personal capacity.
[1] Peto R et al. Smoking, smoking cessation, and lung cancer in the
UK since 1950: combination of national statistics with two case-control
studies. BMJ 2000; 321: 323-329.
[2] Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs. The classification of
cannabis under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, (UK Government) Home Office,
March 2002 (5.1).
Competing interests:
None declared |
A Science Based Evaluation of Cannabis and Cancer |
23 May 2003 |
Robert Melamede, UCCS 80933-7150
Send response to journal:
Re: A Science Based Evaluation of Cannabis and Cancer
Email Robert Melamede:
While there can be little doubt that smoking anything is likely to be
detrimental to the health of one’s respiratory system, scientific data
does not support the extension of the biological consequences
resulting from tobacco smoke to marijuana smoke(1). Two
complementary pieces of information support the position that the
effects of the two, tobacco and marijuana, are different. The irritant
properties of all smoke will naturally tend to promote a pro-
inflammatory immune response with the corresponding production
of potentially carcinogenic free radicals. However, cannabis
promotes immune deviation to an anti-inflammatory Th2 response
via immune-system specific CB2 receptors(2). Thus, the natural
pharmacological properties of marijuana’s cannabinoids, that are
not present in tobacco smoke, would minimize potential irritant
initiated carcinogenesis. In contrast, the nicotine present in
tobacco smoke, but lacking in cannabis smoke, specifically
activates nicotine receptors in respiratory pathways that in turn
protect these cells from apoptosis normally promoted by genotoxic
agents found in smoke(3). Thus, the pharmacological activities of
tobacco smoke would tend to amplify its carcinogenic potential by
inhibiting the death of genetically damaged cells. Together these
observations support the epidemiological study of the Kaiser
Foundation that did not find cannabis smoking to be associated
with cancer incidence(4). Additionally, the demonstrated cancer
killing activities of cannabinoids has been ignored. Cannabinoids
have been shown to kill some leukemia and lymphoma(5), breast
and prostate (6), pheochromocytoma(7), glioma(8) and skin
cancer(9) cells in cell culture and in animals.
1. Henry JA, Oldfield WL, Kon OM. Comparing cannabis with
tobacco. BMJ. 2003;326:942-943.
2. Yuan M, Kiertscher SM, Cheng Q, Zoumalan R, Tashkin DP,
Roth MD. Delta 9-Tetrahydrocannabinol regulates Th1/Th2
cytokine balance in activated human T cells. J Neuroimmunol.
3. West KA, Brognard J, Clark AS, Linnoila IR, Yang X, Swain SM,
Harris C, Belinsky S, Dennis PA. Rapid Akt activation by nicotine
and a tobacco carcinogen modulates the phenotype of normal
human airway epithelial cells. J Clin Invest. 2003;111:81-90.
4. Sidney S, Beck JE, Tekawa IS, Quesenberry CP, Friedman GD.
Marijuana use and mortality. Am J Public Health. 1997;87:585-
5. McKallip RJ, Lombard C, Fisher M, Martin BR, Ryu S, Grant S,
Nagarkatti PS, Nagarkatti M. Targeting CB2 cannabinoid receptors
as a novel therapy to treat malignant lymphoblastic disease.
Blood. 2002;100:627-634.
6. Melck D, De Petrocellis L, Orlando P, Bisogno T, Laezza C,
Bifulco M, Di Marzo V. Suppression of nerve growth factor Trk
receptors and prolactin receptors by endocannabinoids leads to
inhibition of human breast and prostate cancer cell proliferation.
Endocrinology. 2000;141:118-126.
7. Sarker KP, Obara S, Nakata M, Kitajima I, Maruyama I.
Anandamide induces apoptosis of PC-12 cells: involvement of
superoxide and caspase-3. FEBS Lett. 2000;472:39-44.
8. Sanchez C, Galve-Roperh I, Canova C, Brachet P, Guzman M.
Delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol induces apoptosis in C6 glioma cells.
FEBS Lett. 1998;436:6-10.
9. Casanova ML, Blazquez C, Martinez-Palacio J, Villanueva C,
Fernandez-Acenero MJ, Huffman JW, Jorcano JL, Guzman M.
Inhibition of skin tumor growth and angiogenesis in vivo by
activation of cannabinoid receptors. J Clin Invest. 2003;111:43-50.
Competing interests:
None declared |
