Harry J. Anslinger, testimony to Congress, 1937
Der amerikanische Drogenpolitik-Aktivist Clifford Schaffer (druglibrary.org) schreibt dazu:
Despite a fair amount of research, I have been unable to find any
place in Anslinger's writings or other recorded materials where
the "satanic" quote actually appears. I have contacted many of the
major historians on this subject and they all feel, as I do, that
the quote was apparently made up by someone else because it
doesn't even really sound like Anslinger when you compare it with
the other things he wrote and said.
The quote does not appear in the transcripts of the hearings for
the Marihuana Tax Act of 1937, which you can find at
Gerüchte um OCB-Zigarettenapier und den französischen Rechtsextremisten Le Pen
Vor mehreren Jahren kursierten in Spanien Gerüchte, der französische Rechtsextremist Jean-Marie Le Pen werde von der Zigarettenpapierfirma OCB finanziell unterstützt oder Le Pen sei ein Aktionär der Firma. Es sei ironisch, wenn "Kiffer", die mit den speziellen langen Blättern der Firma ihre Joints drehen, damit einen Rassisten beim Wahlkampf hülfen. Diese Gerüchte haben sich auch nach Deutschland verbreitet. Sie sind falsch, wie die die spanische Hanfzeitschrift Canamo in ihrer Ausgabe Nr. 28 vom März 2000 berichtete. Der entsprechende Artikel aus Canamo (auf spanisch) ist auf der Website der Firma OCB zu finden:
"Falso Rumor Sobre Le Pen En OCB"
(Falsches Gerücht über Le Pen und OCB)
Hier ist eine grobe Übersetzung davon ins Englische, mittels Babellfish/Altavista:
Some years ago the rumor that arose the extreme right-wing politician French Jean-Marie Le Pen participated as shareholder in the French brand of smoking papers OCB or that, on the contrary, this brand acted like a sponsor of the Front National, the party of Le Pen. That same rumor arrived at Spain, where it was gathered by an antiprohibitionist and spread in form of poster of warning against the use of the OCB brand.
Recently, in our editorial offices also two communications of readers were received who showed their preoccupation by the inclusion of the French brand of paper to smoke in the habitual section of our magazine Hung in the network (to see number 26 of CAÑAMO). In this section one inquired on the OCB Web, with a treatment of mere information to the reader, and next to her they also appeared the electronic pages of other brands of paper to smoke, like Smoking, Rizzla or Sativo.
Interested in the reach that could have the rumor, CAÑAMO was contacted French activists of the CIRC, with Jean-Pierre Galland, and asked the spokesman of another antiprohibitionist group of Rennes - in Brittany, where the factory of OCB is located - and obtained some answers that clarified the quality of the false rumor like simple hoax.
When the politician Jean-Marie Le Pen was chosen deputy to the French National Assembly as a representative of his extreme party Front National, when occupying a public position, had to present/display the accounts of his patrimony, property, properties, etc. In no case was there any entailment with the OCB brank, neither as a shareholder nor on the board of administration of the French brand. Therefore, it was annulled in France that rumor thus. Simultaneously, a spokesman of the OCB brand that CAÑAMO contacted, denied any sponsorship or entailment with the extreme right-wing party at issue.
We deduced of the answers obtained by our Writing that the rumor could be based on that a daughter of Mr. Vincent Bolloré, president and chief of a main directorate of the OCB brand, according to communicated to us J.P. Galland, "is married with another French politician, Gerard Longuet, who is in favor of the legalization of the cannabis", a politician pertaining to the French liberals led by Giscard d'Estaing (UDF). It does not exist, therefore, basic information that allows to suppose that OCB is tied to any extreme right-wing movement.
Official notice
the international brand of smoking papers, are victims of a campaign of slanders. This campaign tries to associate the brand OCB to a French political party (the National Front) and to its political leader Jean-Marie Le Pen. Of course, it is a false rumor. It is necessary, therefore, to restore him truth of the possible clearest way: OCB does not have any tie of any type, with any French political group of any ideology. OCB does not have tie, of any type, with the National Front or Jean-Marie Le Pen. The exclusive distributor in Spain, Disfum, is to your disposition to respond to all the referring questions to this rumor.
Disfum Tel. 3493.564.10.60 - Fax 3493.575.16.18
e-mail: ocb.dungi@nexo.es